Monday, February 27, 2012

Today, my little 16 year-old cousin tweeted "things always get worse before they get better". I really can't explain how much that touched my heart. Lately, I've been wondering and asking God why things have been going so bad lately. For a while, I kinda lost focus because I was so concentrated on how bad things look right now, that I couldn't even see the good ahead. I lost hope and really was just struggling from day to day. But when my cousin tweeted that, I really sat back for a minute and had to remind myself God is in control. I'm not gonna understand, because I am not in control nor am I capable of being in control. And with that simple tweet, I was reminded to just keep holding on through the good, the bad, the confusing, the troubling, the depressing, the whatever. 
And to any of you who may have been feeling anything similar, please just hold on. "be not weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not" (Galatians 6:9). Remember, God is in control. You may not understand but He does. He sees the past, present, and future and knows exactly what to do. He's been doing this for some millennium now ;)

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