Wednesday, February 22, 2012


::Disclaimer:: This is solely my opinion. None of this is fact nor based on scriptures. Just something to think about. I'm not saying that anybody is wrong, just stating my view on a matter.

So today is Lent. However, this is the first time I have heard of people other than Catholic believers participating in it. Personally, I think that the idea of sacrificing something is great. There's no better way to get closer to something than to deny yourself. So, in essence I do agree with the concept of Lent.
However, I object to the religiousness of Lent. I find it a bit absurd that people will only give up things for a set amount of time on a set date. People FIND  things to give up, like they have to. The purpose of a sacrifice (in my opinion) is to(1) rid yourself and your life of things, people, habits, that are preventing you from being closer with God or to (2) deny yourself of something essential as a symbol of putting the Savior first. To me, Lent is just a religious practice where we do things, just because, not really taking into account the real reason and meaning.
Participating in Lent is fine, but we've gotta take it further than that. Whenever we see something in our lives that's stopping us from going further in Christ, we should eliminate it. Whenever we feel distant from God, we should sacrifice something and deny ourselves as a reminder that He is first and foremost, even before ourselves.
I hope I didn't offend anyone. It's all love guys! Hope you all enjoyed. On another note, do you guys have any suggestions or things you'd like to see on this blog? Please, please, please let me know if so. I missed you guys :)

1 comment:

  1. Missed you too, sweetie :) Hope you're all well! I think you're making a great point on the Lent. It shouldn't be about a date, but about much more. Religion is not about dates, it's about your connection to the God, and that has absolutely nothing to do with what day it is.

    I must say I love all the posts from you, the deep thoughts are cool. But if you want variety, you could share your favourite books, songs, poems, movies... Those can be related to all this thoughtful stuff you write don't you think? xoxo ♥
