Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I just discovered this group of poets. they are awwwweeeeeeessssooooommmeeeee....Here's a link to their latest poem, "Ready or Not':
Ready or Not?

Monday, November 14, 2011

One of our many secret weapons

You know how in action movies, at that one critical-life-or-death moment the protagonist pulls out a hidden or forgotten weapon or tool to defeat their opponent? Well, we as Christians also have this and it's called our testimony. In Revelations 12:11 it says that we "overcome by the word of our testimony". This is why we have testimonial services and even why I have this blog. Our testimony helps us, loved ones, and family in Christ. When we share our experiences of how God brought us over and through, we remind ourselves how good God has been to us. We relay that God is able. We encourage our brothers and sisters to fight on. Our testimonies prepare us for the fight ahead. It reminds us of who God is.
Yes, our testimonies  may be embarrassing. They may remind us of a period and our lives we want to forget. But we can't. We have to remember and display all God has done for us, for the world to see. It's all for God's glory.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"Why me?" Why NOT you?

Lately, I've been asking God "Why me?" and "why now?" and "why this way?". He showed me just how wrong I was for even feeling this way. I couldn't help thinking of Jesus before Calvary. He had every right to take on the "Why me" attitude, yet He humbled Himself and bore the cross. Think about it, He never ever did ONE thing wrong, yet He died for all the shameful things you and I did/do. But He never thought "Why me?"...instead He prayed for us. So I took that example and it's my goal to stop asking and thinking "Why me?". God has done too much for all of us for us to ever have the right to say "Why me?".

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


One o my biggest pet peeves is PDA...However there is one type of PDA that not only doesn't irritate me but in fact turns and twists my heart is the PDA Jesus showed on the cross. Just think about it, the most exalted King in all of existence came and took my lowly place...not only in front of those physically present, but before all mankind. He died for the sins that I myself am ashamed of...yet He wasn't the least bit ashamed. The bible says that there is no greater love than that a man lay down His life for a friend. Jesus took it even further and died a humiliating death for me (and you!) in front of everybody. He acknowledged me and you in the most passionate way. And that is the only Public Display of Affection that I will EVER need. :)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Mouth closed, ears open

Sometimes during our troubles and trials, we tend to open our mouths, but shut our ears, hearts, minds, bibles, and so on. We talk (via twitter, txt, convos, facebook, blog sites, etc.) about how we feel, what's going on, and other pessimistic details about our situation . When we do this we ignore God telling us that this is His plan. We tune out the fact that it's not about how things seem. We disregard that God is doing something bigger than we could ever imagine. We forgot that our present tense sufferings are nothing compared to the joy and blessings on the way. So when you're crying your eyes out, your heart feels heavy, and you just wanna "vent". Vent to God but remember that He knows what He's doing (He's only been doing it for FOREVER!!!) But the most important part of the convo is gonna be your listening to what God says via the Bible. Listen up guys, God's got great things in store for us!!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011


One of my biggest fears is disappointing people. Lately, I have been feeling like I've let alot of people down. I'm always careful not to mess up and when I do, I have a hard time moving on. But today, I saw a quote that said "You (God) don't love us less if we fail. You don't love us more if we succeed." That spoke volumes to me because I always felt like people wouldn't love me as much if I didn't make honor roll, or if I wasn't perfectly personable. But God is the type of friend, lover, Father, etc. that won't let His love for us be affected by what we do or don't do. Yes He'll be disappointed, but His love will still be the same. It's constant and not based on our good deeds. It's undeserved yet He won't take it away.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bearing it alone

Often times in movies, magazines, and commercials teens are depicted as being surrounded by friends, laughing, and having a good time. As a little kid that's what I thought adolescence was about. Well, I was wrong. Especially for those of us walking with Christ, we will find ourselves alone ALOT. This is currently the lesson I am being taught. Being away at college had really made me realize that my life is on a different track than that of my loved ones. I've been really sad lately because I'll cal a friend when I'm free, but their busy. Or they'll have time to talk to me...but only when I'm busy. It's very frustrating. And there have been a lot of times when I've been crying or on the verge of tears, and have wanted to call someone...but everyone's busy. 
This has led me to realize and remember that Christ bore His cross alone. He had no one to cry to except the Father. And as a Christian, I have to follow that example. I may be bearing my cross alone, but I am not, was never, and never will be alone.